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First United Methodist Church

Rocky Mount, NC

First United Methodist Church

You’ve Got a Friend… at the carnival!

8:30 am—12:30pm

We are so excited to get to spend the summer together with our friends. Each week gives us a new way to learn about how to be a friend while also being reminded that Jesus is our friend— forever! We can’t wait to learn how to be a friend at the carnival when everything feels like fun and games, down on the farm as we experience animal life, or in the water as explore ocean life and pool days. We’ll hide out in tents when we’re camping, and experience life around the world when we’re at the Olympics. Whether your child is spending a week with us or the whole summer— we’ll need the aƩached forms completed and turned in with registraon fees. Our 1 year olds through 4 year olds will get to have waterplay every Friday while our Kindergarteners through 5th graders will get to have a weekly field trip. We can hardly stand the wait!

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